We try and stay away from food additives.
Here are a few that really trigger my son's ADHD. I wouldn't eat foods with these in them.
All nitrites
Saccharin, Aspartame, Acesulfame-K
All Food Dyes
Sodium Benzoate
If you’ve stumbled onto this blog I’m assuming you have a child or know a child with ADHD. Here is the short version of my story (the longer version will be shared throughout this blog). My son who is now 13 has ADHD. We, my husband and I, have been struggling with the ADHD and with helping my son for 13 years. Yes, his ADHD show up the minute he was born. I tried everything and I mean everything over the last 13 years with minimal results. Guess what I finally found something that works.
Hi Cristin! I am so excited I found your blog!!! I started a blog a little over 100 days ago for this EXACT reason. To see if a diet change would help my 6 year old daughter...and it did just like it worked for your Johnny. I am thrilled to have found you and look forward to following you:) So wonderful to find a like minded Mom and blogger out there! xo www.themullies.blogspot.com